Monday, February 23, 2015

Corner Drool Pad Tutorial

Okay, so now you've mastered the straight sided drool pads and you want to move on to some curved ones that go around the corners. Here's your supply list:

two coordinating fabrics (about 1/4 of a yard of each)
something absorbent for the inner layer (I used natural cotton batting)
coordinating thread
snaps or velcro for closure
ribbon (optional)

Easy Peasy Drool Pads Tutorial

Just about everyone needs some sort of drool pads on their carrier. Even my nearly 4 year old still sucks on the straps from time to time. Today's tutorial will give you the easy, straightforward way to make some rectangular drool pads.

First, you will need some supplies:

two coordinating fabrics (about 1/4 of a yard of each is plenty)
something absorbent for the inner layer (I used natural cotton batting)
coordinating thread
snaps or velcro for closure
ribbon (optional)

My Babywearing Journey

Hi Everyone! I thought that I would start out this new blog by telling you a little bit about myself. I am a babywearing mama in Northern Utah. I have two kiddos. My daughter is turning 4 in just a few weeks and my little guy just turned 1.

I wore my daughter a lot when she was little - mostly in a Moby Wrap. When she got too big for it, I thought that she just didn't really like it and mostly stopped wearing her.